Registration for casting

  • Registration form

  • Legal representative

  • Permanent residence

  • Temporary residence

  • Please also provide a second telephone number, eg for a sibling, wife, parents, friend ... if your number changes or is lost and we are unable to trace you.
    You can select more than one category.
  • If you are not a professional actor, state what your profession is in your civic life - even that can be useful for us :-).
  • Please indicate the level of knowledge of the language
  • If you have an exclusive representation, please provide your name and contact.
  • If you have a showreel or other presentation, please provide a link.
  • Photo

    Pošlete prosím foto obličeje a postavy.
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Please upload a photo in .jpg or .png format, up to 10MB in size.
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Please upload a photo in .jpg or .png format, up to 10MB in size.
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Please upload a photo in .jpg or .png format, up to 10MB in size.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

+420 777 217 129
+420 222 733 912

Casting Mirka Hyžíková
Třebízského 10, 120 00, Praha 2
Česká republika

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